Saturday, May 17, 2014


The concept of "God" is an abstract one. It represents a people's value system based on that people's level of discernment of the universal laws and principles. Let's notice that the word "God" and the word "religion" are often used as synonyms. As well as the words "religion" and "culture", which, the latter, is the value system. In other words God=religion=culture=value system.
Since it is an abstract concept, people starting from the beginning of times have always attempted to represent it via concrete forms, like, the sun disc, or a human being slaying a bull-his own ego, etc. Since different peoples had different value systems their Gods, therefore, were different and naturally were represented differently, from static visual art forms to elaborate stories, etc. Later on, these tangible representations of Gods became Gods themselves-idols, which where worshiped without a clear understanding of the underlying abstract concept.
Our people, the Armenians, had their own God-value system, doctrine, ideology, etc. And yes, we should have one common God, in order to be revered as one nation. Otherwise we'll remain as a conglomerate of different clans and entities, prone to be subdued by this or that nation's ideology= philosophy=religion=culture=God, practices, lifestyle, etc. There is no nation without a common value system=ideology= philosophy=religion=culture=God.
The concept of God is not as shallow as Socrates portrays it, though. The lack of knowledge back then includes him as well. Only primitive nations would ascribe primitive features, like rain or thunder, or something else to their creations, deities. Rational reasoning itself, such as everything else in the world, is construed according to and is the product of universal laws and principles. Interesting though, that in the age of ultimate "Rationale and Reason" people are not as happy as they probably should. Or are they?
The ideology of postmodernism is aiming for chaos and obfuscation. The value or the reasonableness of this or that idea, though, does not depend on anyone's perception and understanding. The evaluation does. Once again, not the value but rather the evaluation. They are not the same.
With my post I care to clarify what to understand under the word "God" instead of rejecting it. If one prefers to go with "scientific" terms, who can be of any hindrance. Although, science has not yet reached the level to be able to scientifically observe, measure and categorize those concepts. They are still in the boundaries of metaphysics.
To every natural occurrence, including the evolution and the highest product of it, human reasoning, there is an underlying principle. Laws and principles are inseparable part of nature in its endless variety. Human being, the product of those natural or universal laws, at the same time is capable to discern, observe and examine those laws. The concept of 'God" as I explained in my original post is the product of the corresponding endeavors of human reasoning. Of the choice minds, though. The aim of those observations, examinations and discoveries was to have others to comprehend and, at times, to have them to comply with those laws and principles.
I have nothing against the 100% probability of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Have nothing against to define concepts, either. That is what my original post was all about, at least was shooting for.
Philosophy was and still is above science. So, no surprise my "unscientific" thinking sounds unscientific even illogical to many.
Science has explained a lot, but still is unable to explain everything. Like for example, how do humans come up with poetry, music, art, etc.? Or, how do they come up with discoveries, the scientific ones included? How does one appreciate, evaluate this or that idea, discovery or art?
Davit Mirzoyan

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